DentiAnn Impression SaverDentiAnn Impression Saver Gun

Impression Saver Gun

Less Material Waste Easier to Control
Save Up to 70%

DentiAnn Impression Saver is an innovative system for working with any light body impression materials currently in use.
This system can save up to 70% of material waste in the Mixing tip. Save cost and control easier by using DentiAnn Impression Saver.

Instruction for Use 

Saving Point 1.
All 50ml Cartridge can be connected
  • Can be used with all 50ml cartridge type light body impression materials
  • Slim size syringe makes easier access to the mouth
  • Dispenser makes less effort to use

Saving Point 2.
Innovative solution to save waste material in the mixing tip

Mixing Tip for Impression Saver
provides up to 70% less material waste

Instruction for Use 

-Make sure that the mixing tip does not cross the direction of the catalyst and the base.

❶ Fasten the 50ml cartridge to the Mixing gun.❷ Connect 50ml cartridge to Impression Saver connector.❸ Bleed a small amount of material from the cartridge onto mixing pad and discard.

(Note. until the base paste and catalyst flow out in an even)

❹ Connect Impression saver 6ml syringe to other side of connector.❺ Check both side of connector if the 50ml cartridge and 6ml syringe are correctly connected.❻ Press the cartridge mixing gun and transfer the impression material to the 6ml syringe.
❼ Fasten the filled 6ml syringe to the syringe mixing gun.

(Note. Marked side should facing up, when fasten to the mixing gun.)

❽ Bleed a small amount of material from the syringe onto mixing pad and discard.❾ Connect mixing tip and syringe material around prepared tooth.

❿ Remove the mixing tip and close the cap after use if impression material is left, and store the syringe on a blister or dedicated cradle.  Make sure that the mixing tip does not cross the direction of the catalyst and the base.

(Note. Make sure that the mixing tip does not cross the direction of the catalyst and the base.)

Impression Saver Starter Kit

5 x Syringes

10 x Connectors

100 x Mixing Tips

Impression Saver Economic Syringe Pack
20 Syringes

Connector for Impression Saver Mixing Tip for Impression Saver

10 x Connectors
20 x Connectors

50 Mixing Tips
100 Mixing Tips

Mixing Gun
Cradle for 6ml Syringe

   191, Gaejwa-ro, Geumjeong-gu, Busan, Korea  


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